
Ping-joki tulvii

Eilen kirjoittamani "tulva takapihalla" on hellittänyt, sillä sade on lakannut. Vuorilla on kuitenkin satanut jo useamman päivän, ja se on saanut Chiang Main läpi kulkevan Ping-joen tulvimaan. Uutisista voi seurata tilannetta jatkuvasti. Me asumme kaukana joesta, ja veden ei pitäisi nousta tänne asti.  Äsken kuulimme radiosta, että vesi joessa nousee 8 cm tunnissa, veden pinta oli klo 11 paikallista aikaa korkeudella 4.30 m Nawarat sillan kohdalla ja veden virtaus 568 kuutiometiä sekunnissa. (vertailukohtana: Eilen aamulla klo 6.00 samalla kohdalla vettä ollut 1,85 m ja veden virtaus 98 kuutiometriä sekunnissa...)

Seuraavassa ote CMCC:n kiertokirjeestä, joka tuli aamulla:

Go to www.hydro-1.net (This is a government site, and it is in Thai -- also has some labels in English.)

The second 'tab' on the menu bar to the left (you may notice this flashing in red) will take you to the hourly reading which reports 2 pcs. of information for two sites along the river.  Site P.67 is 6-7 hours north of Chiangmai.  P.1 is in Chiangmai.  The 2 pcs. of information are (1) River Level and (2) River Flow-Volume cubic-meter of water per second.

For the 31st of July 2006 at 11 p.m., the level of the Ping River was recorded at: 3.46 meters and was still rising at that time
(River Flow-Volume was at 422 cubic meters/sec).

According to last year's message, if you were to also look at the map found on what is now the 7th menu tab (left) [and then click on map to expand] you would find the following information.  (Please note:  the following are 2005 data and may not be current since government repairs to the river.)

Nong Hoi (near the Sheraton Hotel) floods at about 3.90 meters.
ChangKlan (near river) floods at 4.00
Kawalee Camp floods at 4.10
Nong Hoi (greater) goes down under at 4.20
Night Bazaar & Kingdom Books sees water at 4.30
and finally,
the rest of us that were affected start seeing water after 4.60

(someone mentioned that our last flood peaked out at 4.90!)

Hope this helps...
Tom for the Classifieds Team

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